Hi Erwin C,
I appreciate this comment. I've always felt this kinship! Truly.
I hope I'm not imagining that it goes both ways...but the anticipation of what a blue collar man, woman or child needs when they come home at the end of the day, for comfort, it doesn't leave me?
And the sense of home that I feel, no matter how "fancy" I get (ha!)...when I'm with my (blue collar) people, even though I'm comparatively useless, can't be equalled.
My dad died young, in a terrible car accident. A lot of people ask me (based on my last name) if my father is "Dr. Stevens" and I'm always a little indignant when I respond because I'm proud of who he was.
He was dyslexic and a Vietnam Vet (he signed up!) and was so proud that when I started to read by myself when he couldn't read at all!
He wanted to contribute and believed in the American Dream. I want it to be true for him, and me, and you - all of us, even though I believe it to be endangered.
So, thank you for your beautiful comment about kinship and brotherly love.