I’m going to be blunt: just like evangelicals use “spiritual” jargon to refer to their abuse grooming, other people can use other professionals’ jargon (medical, scientific, psychological, academic) to justify their treatment of women. Or whoever they want to dismiss/control or just use. The jargon shifts but watch the MO. It’s exactly the same.
Maybe ole Jonah would like to roll up to Scientology or Hillsong, maybe even start his own “Jews for Jesus & Therapy” philosophy club that he can morph into something more lucrative.
GTFO Mr. Hill! We’re tired of being taken advantage of by the ‘lonely loser nice guy/victim’ routine. Just because he seems “approachable” (ie quieter, and not super attractive to the opposite gender) doesn’t mean he’s a good person. Or even a decent human.
Some of the meanest men I’ve ever known have been pretend, average-looking men, white, nice guys. Should a woman who they consider unattractive (everyone else has been thinking they’re equally attractive, if not a good pair) dare be friendly, this guy is offended, rude, and disdainful. How dare a non-hot, non- porn star even KNOW his name?! Let alone speak it aloud, next to hers?! She’s pretty much asking for him to humiliate her.