I’ve heard the expression “We see the world as WE are, not as IT is” and I think it takes an awful lot of self-awareness and practice for this not to be a default setting.
Add into this that our phone has learned what we like and has created a news feed and curated lists of *everything* made to appeal especially to us - so clever! - we really have an beautiful illusion of being so much more smart and right and unchallenged than we should be.
We need more tiny little challenges to our daily self-talk then we get, because we can be annoyingly, or dangerously confident in our perspectives.
We used to expect and get more feedback from others. Not now. Verbally speaking up, even politely, is rare, and when you do speak directly to people, they’re very confused if you go off-script. The expectation is that you quietly amuse yourself with your phone. But how do you hear a new perspective? Remember, your phone knows you by heart and is by design, a sycophantic money and attention whore, broadcasting your insecurities to Bezos and Zuckerberg to exploit.