Please, please find the strength to recognize this man for who and what he is, all the things he believes about women and all the things he’s projecting onto you. He doesn’t make you feel good and strong.
He’s a living metaphor for the patriarchy and he says very ugly things to you, over and over. He blames past women in his life for all his choices and assumes he’s the “prize” to be pursued and captured, which is why he thinks you’re deceitful about your ill intentions, rather than an equal with agency.
Unsolicited advice warning ⚠️ If you can’t get some sexual thrills from him and move forward with thoughts of a caring partner who sees and appreciates you for your actual, valuable self, and makes you feel good, then skip the sexual part and move forward anyhow. What is he actually bringing to this party besides misery and tired old stories about his ex?