Thank you for your article. Many times, the dynamic gets established in peoples minds that you’re outreach and availability to them (friendship) is not bc your giving the relationship what is required for a relationship to exist: time and attention. rather, they believe you’re desperately needy, have nothing better to do/are weak, or you’re obsessed with them (giving them a sense that they’ll do what they please and you’ll accommodate their schedule). These people are chronically late for the unimportant people, but you better believe they’re early for the VIPs and furious when people are late for their stuff.
It’s about choices and power. Put people in this category on mute, so you get their messages whenever and take a week or two to reply…”almost missed this! Hope you’re well!” And make them work for your attention. People value things that aren’t too easy, and if they can’t bother, well, you were fine without them for two years.
That’s free, unsolicited advice. You get what you pay for!!