Thank you for your reply: to clarify, I am not a Republican, and as you know, Bernie did not run after Primary Season. (I live in New Hampshire and I know all about Bernie)!
I am trying to talk about the collective memory of 'rabid Republicans' who vote MAGA now, in this moment. Marjory Taylor Greene fans, who want Trump back. Applying logic is not going to work in this situation (no sarcasm meant) as this is a matter of the heart.
MAGAs are, in general, afraid of the government and voted for DT because they thought he would dismantle it (they were correct, he almost did). Bernie would have increased it. These people are evangelicals (or simalarly mindsetted) who don't understand the system is unfair and believe that even children should "work to eat."
Explaining generation wealth and social vulmerability indexing to them would sound like something and 'educated idiot' would talk about. They believe people don't have money because they bought a coffee at Starbucks, not because their health care premiums and deductibles are 35% of their income (and rising), and they don't understand how little control they currently have over that.