
Until we re-train religious people, who zealously embrace “spare the rod and spoil the child” and “men are the head of the household” this dynamic cannot change. Christians in particular embrace a creation story where the father figure - God - set up an idiotic scenario where Eve was created just to pleasure Adam, and then, for eating an apple (disobeying one arbitrarily unnecessary rule for a tree that didn’t need to be there) was punished with DEATH. Children were a PUNISHMENT for this as well. So…it’s baked in.

These people believe that this is ok, this sick dynamic where the person who arbitrarily outranks you in the hierarchy gets to physically hurt you and decides if you live.



Stephanie Stevens
Stephanie Stevens

Written by Stephanie Stevens

Wishes she had a gong, like on The Gong Show, but for stupid ideas (especially her own). Please don’t ask me what I think if you don’t want to know.

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