We’ve (Americans) been trained for centuries to believe that our purpose in life is to toil in misery bc a woman ate a fruit in a garden - after her master fell asleep (she was created solely to be his “help-mate,” although why he was created no one knows). Our merciful reward, should we endure and give money to God, who supposedly doesn’t need it, is to go to heaven, where we also…throw crowns of gold at his feet. Bc we have swallowed this claptrap, we have been perfectly groomed to accept that this is how anyone - any entity - with more money and power will abuse us, and our laws and expectations align.
Some of our countrymen really seem to think people - even kids - don’t deserve food, shelter, medical care, enough to live, just for being a human person, based on a hugely misunderstood verse in the Bible stating that one has to work to eat. (Not a commandment, but a statement of fact: procurement of food requires effort). This has made it extremely easy to keep wages depressed and workers in a cycle of poverty.
Who do these unworthy sinners think they are, demanding more of Gods blessed ones? Only he can decide who gets lobster and who gets ramen. God will decide who the tornado spares, just like he decides who goes to space in their very own rocket, sits on the Supreme Court, and buys airtime for pillow commercials to decry cancel culture. You know, important stuff, like the fruit/garden conundrum that caused women to get periods and also human mortality. Seems reasonable.